In high school, the school drama troupe performed Our Town by Thornton Wilder. One line from the play struck me then and has stayed with me ever since. The line comes towards the end of the play when the young heroine of the story, who has died but is allowed to visit a day in her life, must return to her grave. Her ghosted self looks upon her family and town one … [Read more...] about Oh, Earth
Archives for December 2015
Bible Reading Goals for 2016
It is that time of year again. Time to set some goals for reading the Bible in the New Year! I know some folks greet New Years resolutions with crossed arms and a smirk, but I like making resolutions. I need a target, something for which to shoot. I like goals and the sense of accomplishment that comes when they are completed. So let's talk reading goals. The last couple … [Read more...] about Bible Reading Goals for 2016
Slow and Steady
I pulled up behind a white sedan. The traffic light was stale red. I was running a few minutes late, having tried, as I so often do, to sneak in one more task before my next appointment. So, of course, I was slightly miffed when the light turned green and the white sedan slowly and evenly accelerated off the line. Left hand on the wheel, right hand hung on the shifter, I … [Read more...] about Slow and Steady
I try to imagine the first Christmas… The journey to Bethlehem with very-pregnant Mary. The rush to make arrangements for a place to stay. The birth itself with all its joy and pain. The first moments with baby Jesus, mother and child. And then… And then shepherds arrive. They share a strange report. Angels had appeared to them in the night sky. They appeared … [Read more...] about Heart