Because Christ is risen, our current lives matter. The Apostle Paul goes into great detail about the resurrection of the dead in his first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 15. Listen to how he concludes that discussion. Starting in verse 54: “[54] When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that … [Read more...] about Our Current Lives Matter
Christ Is Risen
Matter Matters
Because Christ is risen, matter matters. The resurrection says something very unique about matter, that is, the physical world around us. Now, typically, there are two extremes when it comes to how we view matter. On the one side of the spectrum is an atheistic, materialistic view that says there is only matter. Ironically, this demeans matter because there is no higher … [Read more...] about Matter Matters
We Will Rise Physically
Because Christ is risen, we will rise physically. In every story with a jailbreak, there is one thing everyone is trying to get, one thing everyone is straining and reaching out for, one thing everyone is trying to slide off the hook, one thing everyone is trying to wrench from the guard’s belt: the keys. He who holds the keys has the power of freedom and life. In the … [Read more...] about We Will Rise Physically
We Rise Spiritually
Because Christ is risen, we rise spiritually. Apart from Christ, our hearts are darkened by sin. We are slaves to sin. We are cursed souls. We are incapable of pleasing God. Even our best moments are tainted by mixed motives and selfish conceit. But in Christ’s death we have found full and final forgiveness. The debt we owed has been paid, and the subsequent curses of our … [Read more...] about We Rise Spiritually
Our Salvation Is Sure
Because Christ is risen, our salvation is sure. When Jesus walked this earth, he made an audacious claim. Jesus said he was the Son of God. He said he was the Messiah. And he said he had come to die for the sins of the world. In fact, just before he was executed, he had a passover meal with his disciples, and he said the bread of the meal, which was broken, … [Read more...] about Our Salvation Is Sure