William Still (2010) challenges us to push further into the Gospel and all that it means: In evangelical circles the danger that the Gospel may be equated with the mere rudiments of the Word of God has become almost a disaster, for these rudiments are only the beginning of the Good News. There are profounder things by far in the Bible than what is called 'the simple … [Read more...] about More Than Gospel Rudiments
How the Gospel Makes Us Bold and Humble
May this be your meditation today: Without the gospel, our self-image is based on living up to some standards - either our own or someone else's imposed on us. If we live up to those standards, we will be confident but not humble; if we don't live up to them, we will humble but not confident. Only in the gospel can we be both enormously bold and utterly sensitive and … [Read more...] about How the Gospel Makes Us Bold and Humble
Clarify the Gospel
"[W]hen we assume the Gospel instead of clarifying it, people who profess Christianity but don't understand or obey the Gospel are cordially allowed to presume their own conversion without examining themselves for evidence of it - which may amount to nothing more than a blissful damnation. Our ministries are ultimately about 'ensur[ing] salvation both for yourself and for those … [Read more...] about Clarify the Gospel
Forgiveness Is Only the Beginning
We have a timeout chair in our house. The timeout routine typically goes something like this... "Go to time out."Wait prescribed time."Why are you in time out?"Explanation and discussion."What do you need to say?""Sorry""I forgive you.""You may get out of time out." Now let me ask you something. What is the good news for our children here?If you say forgiveness, you're … [Read more...] about Forgiveness Is Only the Beginning
Gospel of God
If the Gospel is completely of God, then we can draw several conclusions. You cannot fence the Gospel. The Gospel is God’s and we must give it to who he tells us. It goes to all mankind because he says it does. We are not free to pick and choose. We may not create a list of who can enter. Like our heavenly father, we must go out into the highways and byways and invite the … [Read more...] about Gospel of God