"God, however, cannot be downloaded as can the reams of information we have at our fingertips from the Internet. Acquiring information is one thing. Understanding it is another. Learning to become wise by incorporating that information into a framework of understanding, and doing so before God, is yet something else. This, like many other things of value in life, takes time. … [Read more...] about Knowing God Takes Time
Archives for July 2014
The Coolest Bible Ever
I love it when someone rethinks an old convention. Adam Lewis Greene has done that with his new printing of the Bible. The project is called Bibliotheca. And the goal is to produce a Bible that is physically and typographically elegant and beautiful and therefore more enjoyable to read. Check out his pitch video. You will quickly get sucked into the vision for the … [Read more...] about The Coolest Bible Ever
The Reading Pastor
"Let me share with you a realistic goal. There are too many pastors who never do any reading. That goal is too low. There are also seminaries that recommend that we must spend every morning in study. That goal is too high. We need a realistic goal, and I say to pastors that every pastor could manage one hour of reading a day. In addition we ought to manage a morning, afternoon … [Read more...] about The Reading Pastor
Clarify the Gospel
"[W]hen we assume the Gospel instead of clarifying it, people who profess Christianity but don't understand or obey the Gospel are cordially allowed to presume their own conversion without examining themselves for evidence of it - which may amount to nothing more than a blissful damnation. Our ministries are ultimately about 'ensur[ing] salvation both for yourself and for those … [Read more...] about Clarify the Gospel
College On The Cornerstone
I'm excited about a relatively new blog, College On The Cornerstone: Building the Foundations of Faith Through College. The two main contributors, Chandler Vannoy and Jake Bishop, are solid young believers. I am excited to see where God will take these two and this blog.I recently had the opportunity to join the conversation myself. If you have a minute, check out my post about … [Read more...] about College On The Cornerstone