GENTLE AND LOWLY: THE HEART OF CHRIST FOR SINNERS AND SUFFERERSBy Dane C. Ortlund This book is easily my favorite book of 2020. It is Gospel floss for a heart that harbors even the smallest flecks of doubt about God’s love for sinners. I found myself frequently putting down the book and staring misty-eyed into space, hit by some bear hug of grace. I read a decent … [Read more...] about Gentle and Lowly
Archives for January 2021
Goodness of God
I don't share many sermon manuscripts, but in this case, because this sermon involved some hairsplitting, between "testing" and "tempting," I thought the manuscript might be helpful. James 1:12-18 Introduction I was talking with my daughter the other day, and apparently something horrible can happen to students these days. You can be left on “Read.” Do you know … [Read more...] about Goodness of God
Keeping Our Hearts Open
In many ways, on many levels, these have been dismissal days in our country. I have found myself, at various times, feeling disappointed, frustrated, or even hurt. When I bump into these feelings, I can go into self-protect mode. I can insulate and isolate myself, wall off some part of my heart to stay safe and keep people out. But a walled-off heart is not right. … [Read more...] about Keeping Our Hearts Open
James Resources
In 2021, our church is spending some time studying the Book of James. A very relevant and fascinating book indeed! Just here passing along some James resources for your own study... Commentaries Davids, P. H. (2013). The Epistle of James. Eerdmans.Johnson, L. T. (2005). The Letter of James. Yale University Press.McKnight, S. (2011). The Letter of James. Eerdmans.Moo, … [Read more...] about James Resources