A good morsel of prayer advice I pass on to you:
Pray as you can, not as you can’t. (T. Staton)
What a simple but profound thought.
Rather than push off prayer to some future moment when you can “really” pray, why not pray as you can now?
Rather than focus on your shortcomings in prayer, why not accept your current limitations and just pray as you can?
Rather than compare yourself to others, why not just pray the level you can?
Don’t pray as you can’t.
Can’t pray long? Pray short.
Can’t pray big? Pray small.
Can’t pray eloquently? Pray ineloquently.
Can’t pray like that guy at church? Pray like yourself.
Pray as you can.
Can you pray in the car? Pray in the car.
Can you pray in the shower? Pray in the shower.
Does writing down your prayers help you pray? Write down your prayers.
Is it easier for you to pray walking? Walk and pray.
Pray as you can. Not as you can’t.
And God will meet you there.
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