This fall our church will be studying the Book of Acts, and I thought it might be helpful to pass along some Acts resources we’ve utilized or found.

For anyone who wants to further explore Acts, here are some additional resources.
- ESV Study Bible. Always a good one-stop shop.
- Keener, C. S. (1994). The IVP Bible background commentary: New testament. IVP Academic.
- Bock, D. L. (2007). Acts. Baker Academic.
- Stott, J. (1994). The Message of Acts (Reprint edition). IVP Academic.
- Thompson, A.J. (2011). The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus: Luke’s account of God’s unfolding plan. IVP Academic.
Online Classes
The website has several seminary level classes (for free!) that deal with Acts. I have not had a chance to review all of these lectures, but these are generally solid commentators.
- New Testament Survey with Craig Blomberg, lectures 36-40.
- New Testament Survey with Thomas Schreiner, lectures 1-5.
- Acts with Craig Keener.
Other Resources
- Acts poster from the Bible Project (pictured above).
- Bible Project Videos: Overview: Acts 1-12, Overview: Acts 13-28, Acts 1-7, Acts 8-12, Acts 13-20, Acts 21-28.
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