Psalm 103:7 He made known his ways to Moses, his acts to the people of Israel.
This verse may seem like a strange verse on which to meditate. But it makes an important point: The Lord reveals himself.

We serve a God who speaks.
This is great news! For who has climbed up to heaven to have an audience with God? Or who has brought him down that he might answer our every question?
Thankfully, in his grace, the Lord condescends to us and reveals to us his plans and his thoughts and his ways.
To Moses he reveals his instructions, the paths of life, his commands that lead to pura vida. To Israel he revealed his mercy and power to redeem, calling them forth out of slavery and into the promised land, granting them his power and presence and mercy.
So today we can celebrate that God is a God who speaks and reveals. He is not a God who has wound up the clock and walked away. He is not a God in complete silence.
At times, he may seem silent to us, but this is never the reality. For he has revealed himself in his creation and in his written Word and in his Son, Jesus. And now he works through his Spirit and in his church as well.
So there may be times when his voice in our lives seems relatively quiet, but there is no silence or absence finally.
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