I love this good news (i.e., Gospel) retelling from Speak Life:
This video provides a 90-second summary of the good news about Jesus, and the summary is insightful.
How do you capture the joy of the Trinity and the beauty of original creation before sin?
How about “light” and “life” and “love”?
Light = Truth, God’s ways.
Life = Literally aliveness and true living.
Love = Fellowship with God and others.
How do you explain the effects of sin and the current state of our world?
How about the privation of light and life and love?
Turning from light = Darkness.
Turning from life = Death.
Turning from love = Disconnection.
How do you explain what Jesus did for us in a few minutes?
How about the imagery of a friend identifying with us in our struggles?
Our darkness becomes his darkness. (Our griefs)
Our debt becomes his debt. (Our sin)
Our death becomes his death. (Our punishment)
Jesus takes our every problem onto himself and deals with each one on the cross (Isaiah 53:4-6)
And the ending…
If Jesus identified with our struggles, it gets even better because we get to identify with his triumphs: His life, love, light, Father, and Spirit all get to be ours.
For free.
Best part…
Of course, the best part is that this animated retelling is not just a cartoon. It is the retelling of a true story and a true theology.
And as the video says, anyone who says yes to Jesus will be welcomed by him.
So, do you want Jesus?
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