Tom Schreiner is a notable New Testament scholar. He was educated at Western Oregon University (B.S.), Western Conservative Baptist Seminary (M.Div., Th.M.), and Fuller Theological Seminary (Ph.D.). He is the author of numerous books, articles, and commentaries. His scholarly influence permeates evangelicalism and many pulpits.
How did he get there?

In an interview with Mark Dever, he mentioned the influence John Piper had on his life and career. Then, Dever followed up with this question: “Has anyone influenced you as much as John?”
Schreiner’s answer?
“My youth pastor.”
Without hesitation: “My youth pastor.”
What a great reminder of the power of quiet, faithful ministry.
I don’t know who Tom’s youth pastor was.
Maybe he wrote no books. Maybe he took flack for his youth ministry. Maybe he had to answer that question from friends that felt a little charged, that unintentionally disparaged youth ministry just a bit: “What are you up to these days? Are you still doing youth ministry?”
Maybe he hung up his youth ministry sneakers wondering what difference he had made.
But to one young man named Tom, he had made all the difference in the world.
This is often how it goes.
Charles Spurgeon was converted by the preaching of a lay person who was filling in on a snow day when the pastor could not make it to church.
Can you name the person who first helped the Apostle Paul after his conversion? He is a key link in the story, but he is often forgotten.
But God knows. He is at work among and through so many.
Do not doubt the power of your presence and small ministry in someone’s life. That Sunday school class, that youth group, that conversation over coffee… God joyfully ordains to use such low-key investments.
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