Mission trips play an important role in the life of believers, and they constitute a legitimate form of ministry.
The idea of traveling on purpose and in the name of Jesus is biblical. The Apostle Paul planned epic trips to plant churches, but he also made small trips to simply visit and encourage believers.
And on the flip side, Paul welcomed the visits and care given by his friends when he was in difficult ministry situations.
Mission trips are real ministry.
Sure, mission trips can derail. They can become sight-seeing diversions. They can be self-centered or self-advancing (hegemonic). They can become baptized tours and pet projects. But this kind of derailment can happen in any ministry at any time in any location by anyone. So let’s not judge an idea by the worst case examples. Let’s focus on the positive.
Mission trips of all shapes and sizes and locales can genuinely bless the goers and the receivers.
So let’s take a risk. Let’s travel in the footsteps of Paul. Let’s go! Will we get it right every time? No. But I’d rather err on the side of going and shining, than staying and remaining hidden. Wouldn’t you?
Chris-Toby Beach says
Short term missions trips are yet another expression of a seamless life of missional living that includes giving and receiving driven by our love for God and our love for people.