My family loves Christmas. We enjoy the decorations. We gladly listen to the music. We drink eggnog. We look forward to being with family. And most importantly, we celebrate the arrival of our savior, Jesus. But of course, at this stage, one other part of Christmas sticks out prominently to our kiddos. Yep, the presents.
Our Christmas tree sits in the far corner, diagonal from the staircase, and it is always so fun to watch the facial expressions of the kids as they turn the corner and spy the presents for the first time. With glee, they bound towards the tree, bedazzled by the wrapping paper and their own glittering feelings of excitement. It is at this point that they begin a very important task: reading the tags. Why is this so important? Because, as my children will tell you, it doesn’t matter how big the present is if it is not for you. So they quickly rifle through the tags. They must know who the gifts are for, and in particular, who the biggest gift is for. This is the all important question: Who is the big and great gift for?
We are in the middle of a series entitled “Seeing Like Jesus.” In this series, we have been training our eyes to see as Jesus sees and to see whom Jesus sees. So we have been talking in terms of “seeing,” but there is another way we can think about this topic. Instead of asking whom does Jesus see, we could simply ask who is Jesus for. If Jesus is an amazing gift, who is Jesus for? To whom does he give himself?
Now let’s be clear: Jesus is certainly a great and wonderful gift. In Mark chapter nine, we see just how great he is. In Mark chapter nine, Jesus takes a few friends to a mountain top, and there he shows them his glory. In an instant, his glory breaks forth, and he begins to literally glow, and from heaven the voice of God speaks, “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.” The disciples were terrified. But at that moment, they knew for a fact that Jesus was awesome. He was powerful and mighty and glorious and unlike anyone they had ever seen. Jesus was and is an amazing gift.
So what do you do with such a gift? To whom do you give such a great and awesome gift?
Everyone thought they knew. Jesus belonged in palaces. Jesus belonged at the head of the table. Jesus was for the rich. Jesus was for those who had worked all day. Jesus was for those who grew up in the church. Jesus belonged to leaders. He should be given to them first. He should work with them for their agenda. Jesus was for strong and the deserving. Jesus was for the pure. Jesus was certainly not for sinners. He was not for prostitutes. He was not for people with a past. He was not for the smelly outcasts and roadside winos. He would touch no unclean people. He would wash no feet. And he would in no way ever die on a cross. Who was this great Jesus for? He was for the great people of the world.
Or, at least, that’s what everyone thought.
But then there were little moments like the one we find here in Mark 10 that flattened his followers with surprise, that embarrassed his disciples as the depth of their misunderstanding was revealed. What happened in Mark 10? Let’s take a look.
Mark 10:13-16
“[13] And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. [14] But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. [15] Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” [16] And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.”
In this episode, we see two very important things.
Jesus is a great gift.
First, we see that Jesus is in fact a great gift. He is the greatest gift. He is the King. How do we know this? Because he equates the Kingdom of God with himself (Edwards, 2002). People bring children to Jesus, and he says let the children come because the Kingdom belongs to them. So, he is saying that in coming to him they are coming to the Kingdom. What is the Kingdom of God? Kingdoms are often defined by territory, but it is not the geography that makes a Kingdom; it is the rule and reign of the King that makes an empty field a royal kingdom. Jesus makes himself synonymous with the kingdom of God. This means that Jesus is the physical, personal manifestation of the rule and reign and power of God. Jesus is a great and awesome gift.
So, to whom does he belong? To whom shall he be given? That’s leads us to the second important point we see in this story.
Jesus is for children and the childlike.
Second, we see that Jesus is for children and he is for those who receive him as children. Jesus is for children. To all the kids out there, hear me loud and clear: Jesus is for you. Jesus sees you. Jesus knows how tough school is. Jesus cares about your bad day. Jesus knows what makes you afraid. Jesus knows how angry your brother or sister make you. And he cares. Jesus says today, “Come to me. I see you. I love you. You can trust me. Follow me. Walk in my ways and find life.” Would you trust him today? You can. You can turn away from all your disobedience and fighting and fear, and you can ask Jesus to help you. How? Just by talking to him in prayer. You can say, “Jesus, I need you. Will you help me?” And he promises he will hear you and he will help you. Jesus is for you; he is for kids.
And parents, if Jesus sees these children in Mark 10, he sees your children, too. He knows all about them. He sees them on the playground. He sees the booboos and the growth charts. He sees the boundless days and the sleepless nights. He sees them as you say goodbye and they disappear down the hallway; his eyes stay trained on them. His eyes do not slumber. He sees every issue, and he sees your every worry. And he says, “I have come that they might have life. I have come for them. My steadfast love is from everlasting to everlasting. Bring them to me.” Parents, put your hope in God. Today, put your hope in the Savior who sees the children. Trust your children to God.
But friends, there is an important lesson here for all of us, for parents and children, yes, but also for students and singles and grandparents and visitors and downcasts, for the young and for the old. Who is Jesus for? Jesus is for anyone…who receives him like a child. Jesus doesn’t save the strong. Jesus doesn’t save the rich. Jesus doesn’t save people who go to church. Jesus doesn’t save the clean. Jesus doesn’t save the famous. He saves the humble. He saves those who humble themselves. He gives himself to those who will receive him for what he is, a gift. How do little children receive gifts? As gifts. They do not receive as ones who have power or merit or claim. The nursing child cries out to the mother with no payment, no money, and receives life as a pure gift, because the parent loves them. The thought of having to submit to Jesus has turned many away. Humbling yourself means admitting you’re wrong and Jesus is right. It means admitting you’re not in charge and Jesus is. But Jesus promises that anyone who humbles himself will be lifted up.
Who is Jesus for? He is for anyone. He is for everyone. Anyone and everyone who humbles themselves and receives him like a child receives a present, with empty hands and open hearts. Receive him today.
Immanuel Church, we bear the name Immanuel, in part, because we want to be Jesus to our community. So, we might ask of ourselves this same question today: who is Immanuel Church for? To whom do we give our church? To whom do we give the Gospel? I hope we will give this church and this gospel to the children. I hope we will bend over backwards and grow furious to get the children in here. I also hope we will give Immanuel to the lowliest of the low in our society, to all who come with empty hands. May they receive the waters of life here without payment. Amen.
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