These questions come from an evaluation form used in Gordon-Conwell preaching classes (circa 2004). They provided a helpful grid for assessing student sermons, but they also act as a helpful checklist for sermon preparation. Take a look! If you are ever working on a sermon, these questions may serve you well.

- Does it get attention?
- Does it touch some need directly or indirectly?
- Does it orient you to the subject?
- Or does it orient you to the first point?
- Is the development clear?
- Is the overall structure clear?
- Are the transitions clear?
- Do the transitions review?
- Is there a logical link between the points?
- Do the points relate back to the main idea?
- Can you state the central idea?
- Does the sermon build to a climax?
- Is there an adequate summary of ideas?
- Are there effective closing appeals or suggestions?
- Is the subject significant?
- Is the sermon built on solid exegesis?
- Does the speaker show where he or she is in the text?
- Is the analysis of the subject thorough and logical?
- Does the speaker convince you he or she is right?
- Does the content show originality?
Supporting Material
- Is the supporting material logically related to the point?
- Is it interesting? Varied? Specific? Sufficient?
Style and Delivery
Word Choice
- Does the speaker use grammar correctly?
- Is the vocabulary concrete? Vivid? Varied?
- Are words used correctly?
- Does the word choice increase the sermon’s effectiveness?
Intellectual Directness
- Does the speaker want to be heard?
- Is the tone conversational?
- Is he or she friendly?
- Does the sermon sound memorized?
- Are the words pronounced correctly?
Oral Presentation
- Is the voice easy to listen to?
- Is there vocal variety? (Pitch, Pace, Punch, Pause, Progress)
Physical Presence
- Is his or her entire body involved in the delivery?
- Is there an effective use of gestures?
- Are they spontaneous?
- Are there distracting mannerisms?
- Are there good facial expressions?
General Effectiveness
- Is the sermon adapted to your interests?
- Is it related to your knowledge?
- Does the speaker look you in the eye?
- Do you fee that he or she is aware of audience response?
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