One journey could transform your whole year and your whole life. One trip could take you further than you’ve ever gone before. It’s the journey through the whole Bible in one year, and you’re invited.
My Journey through the One Year Bible
Years ago a friend challenged me to read the whole Bible in one year.
At the time, I liked the idea, but I seriously doubted whether I could complete the journey. I had always been willy-nilly in my Bible-reading. A verse here, a Psalm there…you know the routine.
But once I had decided to begin, I was determined to finish.
And finish I did. Through fits and spurts, through good days and bad, through falling behind and catching up, I slowly completed my journey through the Bible in one year.
Since then, I have tried other devotional schedules, but I always come back to that journey.
This year I hear the road calling again. My mind returns to that journey, and I am once again setting my sights on a route through the Bible. But this year I don’t want to journey alone. I want you to come along too.
You are cordially invited to join me on this tour through the 66 books of the Bible (a.k.a. “route 66”). Will you join me?
Packing Our Bags for the Trip
Like any good road trip, we must pack our bags. The motto holds true: Always be prepared. In a world filled with distractions and obstacles, we would do well to prepare for the trip with care.
Here are some tools that will help us through the journey.
1. The One Year Bible. We will be using the One Year Bible format. This reading plan includes an Old Testament reading as well as a passage from the New Testament and Psalms and Proverbs. This daily spread of readings is crucial. The mix of passages each day helps break up the difficult passages of the Old Testament. The New Testament readings constantly shape our theology and understanding of the whole Bible. The Psalms provide devotional, soul food. And the Proverbs provide take-home, practical truths for everyday life.
I will be using an actual, physical hardback edition of the One Year Bible. I want the tactile experience as well as the chance to think and underline with my trusty pencil. I will also be reading the New Living Translation because I find it perfectly suitable for this kind of reading. You are of course welcome to use whatever version you like, but be sure to use the same reading schedule. Here is a pdf schedule of The One Year Bible: The One Year Bible Reading Plan.
2. The Bible App by The Bible app (for iOS and for Android) offers a convenient on-the-go option for the reading plan. Sometimes, I won’t have my Bible handy, but I typically have my smart phone on me. So if I miss a reading in the morning or if I forget to bring my Bible on a trip, I can still keep up with the plan on my phone. Simply navigate to the “plans” section of the app, and select the One Year Bible option (see picture below). Be sure to start it on January 1.
3. The Podcast: “Everyday in the Word.” Crossway Publishers provide a podcast for the “Everyday in the Word” reading plan. This plan has a different name but the reading schedule is identical to the One Year Bible reading plan. Using the podcast is HUGE! It will get you through some tough days when you have no time, when you’re running late. On more than one occasion, I have found myself listening to this podcast while getting ready in the morning. This podcast more than anything has kept me up-to-date on my Bible-reading schedule.
4. The Hashtag: #R66. Finally, if you’re on twitter, I would like to use the hashtag #R66 to connect our journeys. If you have an insight from the day’s reading, tweet it with this hashtag. If you have a favorite verse you underline, tweet it with this hashtag. This will be a quick and easy way to connect and chart each other’s progress.
The Journey Begins
So are you in? Are you ready for the challenge? Are you ready for the road?
Imagine all you will learn. Consider how God will change you over the course of the year. Think about the new year and the new you. Get excited, get your Bible, and get ready. The ride is about to begin!
Go for it!
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