I pulled up behind a white sedan. The traffic light was stale red. I was running a few minutes late, having tried, as I so often do, to sneak in one more task before my next appointment. So, of course, I was slightly miffed when the light turned green and the white sedan slowly and evenly accelerated off the line.
Left hand on the wheel, right hand hung on the shifter, I coolly checked my options in the side view and rear view mirrors. I could squeeze between two cars if I negotiated the speed and lane change just right. I went for it. I zipped past the little white sedan. In the rear view, I could now see the serene driver, two hands on the wheel, in no hurry at all.
I proceeded quickly down the road, my thoughts racing ahead as if to get me there faster. I had just two traffic lights between me and my destination. The first one went yellow on me, right at that awkward moment when it’s not clear whether stopping or going makes the most sense. I chose the latter. I stepped on the gas and punched through the light.
The second light caught me, fair and square. Solid red.
I sat. I checked my rear view, and whom should I see decelerating slowly and evenly to a complete stop just behind my car? The serene driver, two hands on the wheel, in no hurry at all.
The moral of the story is _____ .(Fill in the blank in the comment section).
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So the hare really does win?
Ha! Yes, well, I guess I did technically beat the “serene driver.” 🙂
you can “hurry up and wait” or you can serenely arrive
Linda, that thought definitely came to mind! 🙂
Leave on time, not doing the one more task before you leave and you will not be embarssed by the “hare”
Drive faster so the second light does not catch you.
Did the driver in the white sedan even take notice or care that you passed in your hurried state and that it got you nowhere. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but it is fun to play the game either way.
Hi Terry! Yes, those are all good thoughts! I like the last perspective best: compete but in a spirit of fun. That’s a good point. It’s in my nature to compete, but I should do so with an ability to laugh at myself and roll with the punches. Thanks for chiming in, and welcome to Hobo Theology!