Psalm 103:6 The LORD works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.
At the moment you feel life is most unfair, you must understand that God is right there with you, concerned about the injustice and working on your behalf.

When humans treat other humans unfairly or with distain or with partiality or withhold wages, the Lord is not disinterested or indifferent.
Repeatedly in scriptures he declares that he is on the side of the oppressed. He is the pro bono attorney of the defendant. Who could be better to fight for your rights?
For this reason, when we find ourselves on the receiving end of unfair treatment, we can be encouraged because we know God‘s heart is with us and his power is at work for us.
Therefore, we can practice contentment and patience and entrust our vindication to the Lord. He will set things right. He will bring justice.
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