What do I think?
It doesn’t matter what I think. It matters what God thinks.
We live in a culture obsessed with opinions. We have professional opinonators. They fill our newspapers, feeds and screens. What do you think about this? What do you think about that?
This obsession is everywhere. It’s crept into the church. We feel we have a right to an opinion on all matters, and all opinions are created equal. So have your say, and I’ll have mine.
How perfectly postmodern.
Yes, some topics in the Bible are unclear and lend themselves to opinion. But let’s be honest; a great many topics are evian clear. They are dully straightforward. No Greek required. No masters needed. No philologists requested. Just good ol’ fashioned plain meaning.
I wonder if in this yawning cultural rift believers need to reestablish ourselves as people of this perspicuous book, people who constantly point back to the Bible and what God says, people who just quote. Perhaps we need to increasingly say, “What do I think? It doesn’t matter what I think. Personally, I’m okay with lots of things. But the question is what does God think. So let’s listen to what he has plainly said.”
Let’s decline to opine.
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