I’ve been thinking a lot about a quote from Bob Goff in his encouraging book Love Does.
Every time one of his children turned ten, he took them on an adventure of their choosing. Very little planning…all heart and gusto. He draws parallels between those adventures and the one Jesus calls us to:
Even though Jesus’ disciples were older, they must have felt like my kids did on their ten-year-old adventures. They saw joy and suffering, triumph and tragedy, and in the end there was just a man, an idea, and an invitation without a lot of details. The disciples were unschooled and ordinary like my kids, like all of us. Yet they didn’t need all the details because they were on an adventure with a father who wanted to take them. You don’t need to know everything when you’re with someone you trust.
That’s probably why Jesus’ disciples never said they were on a mission trip. I think they knew love already had a name and they didn’t need a program or anything else to define it. We don’t either. The kind of adventure Jesus has invited us on doesn’t require an application or prerequisites. It’s just about deciding to take up the offer made by a father who wants us to come. (p. 136)
When adventure calls and my soul tarries, I will remember this: You don’t need to know all the details when you trust the one you’re with.
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