Psalm 103:3 who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases
What wonderful news!
The Lord forgives and heals.

If you turn to him, confess your sin, and request His help, He will grant it to you gladly!
He will forgive all your iniquity.
“Iniquity” is not a word we use much in everyday speech, but its use here is important because it captures a nuance. Iniquity is more than just individual acts of sin. It gets at the idea of sinfulness and brokenness and ickiness. The original word in Hebrew is עָוֺן (a.von), and its range of meaning is “perversity, depravity, or guilt or punishment of iniquity.” So when the Psalmist says the Lord forgives your iniquity, we must hear how broad and powerful and good that statement is. It is a statement of total resolution, total absolution, for both our sins and our sinfulness, for both our legal guilt and personal shame.
And he forgives all your iniquity. All of it. There is no sin too deep, too perverse, too longstanding that he will not forgive.
The Lord’s blessing then extends to our physical being. He heals all your diseases. The Lord cares about us as human creatures. He remembers we are of the dust of the earth. He knows we need food and clothing (Luke 21). He cares about colds and cancers, discomforts and disease.
The Lord can heal every disease, and the Lord will heal every disease. The timing of this truth is the tricky part. Sometimes he completely, miraculously heals in this life. And don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. The Lords heals today! So pray with faith and fervor. But sometimes he deigns to heal in the future, in the new heavens and new earth. The Apostle Paul tells us that one day we will receive a new body that will no longer be subject to sin or death and decay (1 Corinthians 15:49). This will be final and lasting healing, the truest fullest fulfillment of Psalm 103:3. But either way, in this life or the next, the point is clear: that is His heart, and he is the sole source of this kind of healing.
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