Psalm 103:5 who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
This world ages us. And it is more than just time.
Sin and sickness and sorrow age us.
Wrinkles form around eyes. Hairs turn gray. Beauty fades. Strength wanes.
What is so remarkable here is the promise of a reversal.

In the here and now, the Lord will give you renewed strength. The apostle Paul said that although he wasted away physically, inwardly, spiritually, he was being renewed day by day (2 Corinthians 4:16). The Lord will renew your youth.
And then, in the new heaven and new earth, this promise will reach its fullest fulfillment. For then we will receive resurrection bodies, with the marks of time and sin and death removed. We will at last be fully human, fully alive.
C. S. Lewis once commented that if one could run without growing tired that is all anyone might ever do so wonderful and glorious would it be. Here, the Psalmist tells us we will one day know this glorious reality. Praise the Lord!
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