I occasionally write posts relating to faith and skepticism. I do this because I believe in Jesus, and I want you to believe as well. Atheist Penn Jillette said, “I don’t respect people who don’t proselytize…How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?” I agree.
Proselytizing flows naturally out of true and deep conviction. It is not necessarily meant be antagonistic, though it will certainly be countercultural and controversial. But let us suffer these differences. May we never exclude faith from discussion in the public square. Matters this big should always have a place in the conversation.
A good friend, who is an atheist, once commented to me that religion and politics are the two off-limits topics of society but they are the two topics that most need discussion. I think he’s right. The conversations must continue no matter how uncomfortable they get. There’s just too much at stake to stay quiet.
So let’s keep talking.
I hope my friends across the divide understand and appreciate this tension and necessity I feel. I do not wish to be a bother. I am compelled by what I’ve seen. Indeed, I cannot unsee it. I hope you will not fault me for continuing to point to what seems like empty space to you. Like locating a rare bird on a branch, I am determined that you should see it too.
I plan to keep writing about these topics. Will you keep reading?
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