Easter means victory over doubt [See full sermon notes]

In 1 Corinthians 15:14, Paul writes, “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.”
So, Paul says if Christ has not been raised, then all your doubts are true. The content of all preaching is empty. The faith you have is empty.
But, if Christ is raised from the dead, then the preaching is true and your faith is true. If Christ is raised from the dead, then the Gospel message is true and your faith is valid, and doubt dissipates. Let me explain.
Imagine I said to you that I am a really good athlete. And I start to rattle off all these things I can do. I can dunk a basketball, I say. I can run so fast. I can do a standing long jump so far. I can do so many pullups and so many pushups. And you look at me, this middle-aged guy, and think, “Yeah, right.” But then, I proceed to run, tumble, and vault into a double backflip, right before your eyes. If I did that, how would it change your view of my other claims? You’d likely go, “Oh, I guess he really can dunk a basketball, broad jump so far, do so many pushups” and so forth.
You see, by me doing the grand feat of double backflip, I confirm all the smaller claims. And this is how it is with the resurrection. The grand feat of the resurrection confirms all the other, smaller claims of Christianity.
Think about it. Jesus said many things. Jesus made many claims. But the biggest, most measurable claim he made was that he would die and rise again. So, if he keeps his word on that big claim, you have to say, “Oh, I guess he was probably telling the truth about the other things, too.” If he was right about that, then he is probably right about this, too. That is the logic.
The disciples draw this same conclusion. When Thomas, one of the original 12 disciples sees the risen Jesus, he exclaims, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:29). Thomas knew if the resurrection was true, then it must all be true. If the resurrection is true, it’s all true.
And it is all true…
- Jesus’s teaching is confirmed. If he was right about the resurrection, then he was right about loving your enemy, him being the way, the truth, and the life.
- The Old Testament is true. Jesus loved to quote and invoke the Old Testament as truthful scripture. If he was right about the resurrection, then he is right about the OT.
- The Apostles really were sent with authority. Jesus commissioned the apostles to go and speak in his name, saying he would be with them. They spread across the globe with the Gospel and wrote the New Testament documents. If Jesus was right about the resurrection, then he was right about the apostles. They really are sent and authorized messagers of Jesus.
- Other religions are wrong. And, as J. Bowlus pointed out at the student retreat, the resurrection not only proves Christ, but disproves other religions. Why? Because other religions discredit the resurrection. But if Christ is raised, which is the Christian belief, then they are wrong.
So, Paul says, if Christ hasn’t been raised, then their preaching and our faith is empty and futile. But Christ has been raised! So their preaching is true. And our faith, from first to last, is true. So, do not doubt. Easter means victory over doubts.
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