Easter means victory over doubt [See full sermon notes] In 1 Corinthians 15:14, Paul writes, “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.” So, Paul says if Christ has not been raised, then all your doubts are true. The content of all preaching is empty. The faith you have is empty. But, if Christ is raised from the … [Read more...] about Victory Over Doubt
Resurrection Evidence
Is there evidence for the resurrection of Jesus? Yes! The resurrection of Jesus is a rational, evidence-based assertion. A member at my church put together a handy pocket guide for how to think through the evidence and rationality of the resurrection. The guide was very helpful to me, and I share it here that it might also be helpful to you. HT: J. Bowlus … [Read more...] about Resurrection Evidence
Spiritual Benefits of Solitude
In this series of posts, we have been commending the spiritual discipline of solitude. We have already discussed the general benefits of solitude. We now turn our attention to the spiritual benefits. There are several spiritual benefits… More Better. Solitude functions as a kind of meta practice (i.e., a practice for other practices) (Whitney, 2014). Solitude allows us … [Read more...] about Spiritual Benefits of Solitude
Hobo Theology 2023
Welcome to the new year! Thank you for reading Hobo Theology! I am excited and thankful for another year. [Thank you, Lord, for each day!] Looking Back This past year (2022) our path has ambled through a variety of topics, including the spiritual disciplines, solitude, and Psalm 103. Fun fact... Here are the most-viewed posts from this year: Looking … [Read more...] about Hobo Theology 2023
Unfairness of God
[10] He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. Psalm 103:10 makes a surprising point: The Lord is unfair. We often think of unfairness as the thing that happens when we get less than what we think we deserve. “Why did they get that reward and I didn’t? I work twice as hard as them! That’s not fair!” That is a type … [Read more...] about Unfairness of God